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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC)


NSF 13-578

NSF 12-596

NSF Logo
National Science Foundation

Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering
     Division of Computer and Network Systems
     Division of Computing and Communication Foundations
     Division of Information & Intelligent Systems
     Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure

Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences
     Division of Social and Economic Sciences

Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences
     Division of Mathematical Sciences

Directorate for Engineering
     Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems

Directorate for Education & Human Resources
     Division of Undergraduate Education
Submission Window Date(s) (due by 5 p.m. proposer's local time): 
     September 24, 2013 - October 15, 2013
      MEDIUM Projects
     November 04, 2013 - November 19, 2013
     November 4 - November 19, Annually Thereafter
      FRONTIER Projects
     December 04, 2013 - December 19, 2013
     December 4 - December 19, Annually Thereafter
     January 02, 2014 - January 17, 2014
     January 2 - January 17, Annually Thereafter
      SMALL Projects
     September 02, 2014 - September 19, 2014
     September 2 - September 19, Annually Thereafter
      MEDIUM Projects


Cyberspace -- a global "virtual" village enabled by hyper-connected digital infrastructures -- has transformed the daily lives of people for the better. Families and friends regardless of distance and location can see and talk with one another as if in the same room. Cyber economies create new opportunities. Every sector of the society and nearly every discipline has been transformed by cyberspace. Today it is no surprise that cyberspace is critical to our national priorities in commerce, education, energy, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, and defense.
The rapidly increasing importance of cyberspace, however, has exposed its fragility. The risks of hyper-connectedness have become painfully obvious to all. The privacy of personally identifiable information is often violated on a massive scale by unknown persons. Our competitive advantage is eroded by the exfiltration of significant intellectual property. Law enforcement is hobbled by the difficulty of attribution, national boundaries, and uncertain legal and ethical frameworks. All these concerns now affect the public's trust of cyberspace and the ability of institutions to fulfill their mission.
In 2011, the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) with the cooperation of NSF put forward a strategic plan titled Trustworthy Cyberspace: Strategic Plan for the Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Program. The plan identifies a broad, coordinated research agenda to make cyberspace secure and trustworthy. Research in cybersecurity must "change the game," minimize the misuses of cyber technology, bolster education and training in cybersecurity, establish a science of cybersecurity, and transition promising cybersecurity research into practice. The goal is to make cyberspace worthy of the public's trust.
This solicitation is supportive of the NSTC strategic plan for a trustworthy cyberspace. It recognizes that cyberspace will continue to grow and evolve, and that advances in science and engineering will create new "leap-ahead" opportunities expanding cyberspace. It further recognizes that cybersecurity must also grow and co-evolve, and that a secure and trustworthy cyberspace will ensure continued economic growth and future technological innovation.

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