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Friday, August 23, 2013

Roche Translational & Clinical Research Center (TCRC) Request for Proposals for Young Investigator Award

Roche is pleased to announce that we are accepting applications for the 2013 TCRC Young Investigators Award.  The awards are intended to provide support for the earlier stages of scientific research career development, so they are to be awarded to the employing institutions of promising emerging researchers.  Proposals will be evaluated based on scientific merit and innovation of the projects proposed to be conducted using the awards.   Four awards will be presented on Oct 1, 2013 during the scientific symposium inaugurating Roche’s Translational and Clinical Research Center in New York City.   Researchers performing investigations (clinical, in vitro/in vivo or informatics) focused on disease understanding of the following disease areas are encouraged to apply:

Cardiovascular & Metabolism – Diabetes and related complications
Neuroscience - Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Virology - Influenza
Oncology - Treatment and diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).
Program Overview and Eligibility:  Eligibility is limited to researchers performing investigations (clinical, in vitro/in vivo or informatics) in the foregoing disease areas who have completed their graduate degrees (MD and or Ph.D) within the past 5 years.  Four awards of Fifty Thousand ($50,000 USD) Dollars  will be granted to the employing institutions of each selected researcher in North America to be used , towards extending fellowship training, funding for new project, or as supplemental funding for ongoing projects.  
Application Process:
All applications will be reviewed and selected by an internal TCRC committee comprised of Discovery & Translational Medicine experts. All awards must comply with TCRC policies and processes. TCRC, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to modify the terms of any proposal, eligibility, program, award, policy and process at any time for any reason.
Submission deadline:  August 30th, 2013

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