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Friday, October 15, 2010

Dartmouth Post Doc Association Annual Research Symposium

The Dartmouth College Postdoc Association will be holding their Annual Research Symposium on November 2.

The Association aims to aid in the professional development of postdocs, foster a sense of community and identity among them, and enhance their overall experience at Dartmouth College.

The Annual Research Symposium will be held on Nov. 2nd at the Top of the HOP from 6.30 until 9pm. It is a great opportunity for postdocs to show their work to other members of the Dartmouth community. Among the several awards that will be granted, this year we will also provide an Excellence in Mentorship Award, to reward mentors for excellent leadership and support of postdocs.

The Dartmouth community is encouraged to attend. The DCPDA would also greatly appreciate faculty who volunteer to become judges of the poster session. Interested faculty can contact the DCPDA directly, desirably, at least one week before the event.

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